Cancer researcher banned from federal funding for faking data in nearly 400 images in 16 grant applications

Alice C. Chang, Ph.D., Purdue University: Based on the report of an investigation conducted by Purdue University (PU) and additional analysis conducted by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in its oversight review, ORI found that Alice C. Chang, Ph.D. (formerly named Chun-Ju

Uninterrupted writing time is rare. That’s why I ‘microwrite’

I desperately needed to write. Eighty percent of the way through my Ph.D., with revisions to make and two more chapters to complete

Stanford president’s research under investigation for scientific misconduct, University admits ‘mistakes’

A prominent research journal has confirmed to The Daily that it is reviewing a paper co-authored by University President

Vaginal microbiome-host interactions modeled in a human vagina-on-a-chip

A dominance of non-iners Lactobacillus species in the vaginal microbiome is optimal and strongly associated with gynecological and obstetric health

U of Nebraska Regents Fire Tenured Professor

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents voted unanimously to fire Julie Stone, an associate professor of biochemistry at the Lincoln campus.

The germinal centre B cell response to SARS-CoV-2

The germinal center (GC) response is critical for the generation of affinity-matured plasma cells and memory B cells capable of mediating long-term protective immunity.

New Zealand does not offer tenure to academics, but a recent employment dispute shows it’s more than a job perk

A common argument against tenure is that it leads to a complacent, under-motivated university professor.

Asian Researchers Face Disparity With Key U.S. Science Funding Source

White researchers fared best in winning grants from the National Science Foundation, a study says.

FDA no longer needs to require animal tests before human drug trials

A new U.S. law has eliminated the requirement that drugs in development must undergo testing in animals before being given to participants in human trials.

Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2

A lthough a decline in protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection after two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech) has been observed in several studies, the level of protection remains unclear, as does the presence or extent of waning of